No other body part gets as much scrutiny as our hair. So, it becomes a matter of continuous worry once the dense hair starts thinning and falling out. The typical hair loss pattern for males begins from the temple or from the crown and leaves a horseshoe like appearance. Women commonly have diffuse thinning of the hair all over the head.
Due to genetic predisposition and byproducts of certain male hormones a hair loss pattern appears that is identified as male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is the primary cause of hair loss in males. Almost always the baldness is attributed to heredity. Male pattern baldness an be said to be begin when a person begins losing hair prematurely. If the person has a parent who experienced hair loss this is likely due to alopecia, which is responsible for the 95% cases of baldness.
In addition to heredity, the male hormones in excess are also responsible for hair loss and some other important contributors are lack of nutrition, pollution and stress. Stress can accelerate the rate of hair loss up to twice the normal rate.
Dietary vitamins and other over the counter treatments can be a viable solution particularly if the hair loss is caught early. For men with extensive damage to the hair follicles other options such as hair transplantation surgery, scalp flap surgery and scalp reduction surgery may be more appropiate.
The transplant is preformed using the good hair of the patients and not any one else. This is why it is called a hair replacement transplant. This can only be accomplished when the donor hair is available in adequate numbers so don't wait until all of your hair is gone. As long as the good hair is growing on any part of the scalp there is a good chance of effective hair transplantation.
When the flaking scalps are the cause of hair loss, scalp reduction surgery could be very effective, in addition to hair transplants. In this procedure a part of the balding area is removed surgically and hence its called scalp reduction surgery. In this way the area to be grafted with hair becomes fewer and the hair transplantation becomes quite easy.
In this procedure a portion of the balding area is removed along with some healthy hair for the transplantation. This technique of scalp flap is quite invasive in nature. However this method is more effective in the treatment of complete baldness that's concentrated in the frontal areas. The people who are suffering with some different type of baldness, like thinning of hair in patches all over the scalp, should opt for other alternatives.
Over the Counter Remedies:
Another possible way to treat male pattern baldness is to use over the counter hair loss remedies. The most common product is called Rogaine. It works primarily by inhibiting dht to production reducing its effect on the hair follicles. Products like Rogaine work very well especially early on in the hair loss process, however, if you stop the product the hair loss often returns.
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