There are many potential methods to be used when fighting baldness. Some of the methods are natural remedies that sound great but don't really do anything for hair loss. Other ways include fighting baldness with drugs that can and do have potential serious side effects. A hair piece is another potential way to cover up the bald spot. All of these methods give less than acceptable results though. The one method that has shown itself to be most effective is hair implants.
If you have embarrassing hair loss and you are a man then this method will work wonders. The bottom is line hair implants work. Cosmetic surgeons use two main methods to transplant hair onto a bald area. The first is named the strip method in which the doctor actually removes some scalp skin that has good hair growth to use as a donation area. The hair and root systems of each follicle are then extracted from the ribbon of scalp and prepared to be inserted into the bald spot. A cosmetically trained surgeon will then insert the hairs into the bald spot being sure to match the direction of the surrounding hair. These hairs are perfect matches for the surrounding hair in texture and color.
An improvement on the strip method is called the follicular unit extraction process. This method of direct hair implants is much easier. It does away with the need to remove a portion of the scalp. Instead, with this method the surgeon employs a tool specially designed to remove the entire hair unit and roots from the scalp at one time. This allows for less disruption of your remaining hair. The doctor can then use a placement tool to insert the hair and roots into the bald spot. This method gives much greater rates of success because of the care taken with each follicle. The instrument that is used for transplanting gently removes the hair and roots and then is used to insert them into the skin of the scalp. This offers the best method for hair restoration.
Hair implants are the method of choice for women with bald spots. Historically, hair implants for women have been difficult. When a female experiences pattern alopecia she also usually has a problem with hair thinning. This means women usually had no good area for hair donation. When using the FUE technique a surgeon can remove individual hair follicles from several areas of the scalp. This procedure also allows for hair transplantation from other parts of the body. This give women many more areas to be considered for hair donation.
If you are suffering from male pattern baldness this is the best method for you. Or, if you are a woman and have patchy hair loss this is a great method for you to consider. Baldness is not a joke as it affects many people's self esteem. Start right now to find out how to use these methods to get rid of your bald spots.